
Our vision is to provide safe and effective herbal remedies made with organic ingredients.

Providing individuals natural organic Chinese herb remedies since 2007! And our involvement with organic herb farming started in 1983!  

Mt Carmel Herb Farm

Our Story

Our family has been in the herb business for over 40 years! Starting in the 1980's our herbal roots grew with creation of the Carolina's first organic herb farm by the founder of Ageless Herbs, Dr. Browne. It provided traditional Western organic herbs for culinary and medicinal use all over the south-east! A few decades after we began supplying herb plants, everyone was growing herbs and we had to come up with something new. 

Since 2007 it has now been our goal to provide safe Chinese herbal remedies using organic and natural ingredients. This idea started in 2003 when Dr. Catherine Browne DAOM, L.Ac., Dipl.Ac., our founder and master consulting herbalist, started producing topical remedies for her patients she treated in acupuncture clinic using certified organic herbs.

Dr. Browne's background includes organic farming, acupuncture, clinical herbalism, and Doctorate of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Her credentialing and experience qualify her as one of the country's most established authorities of herbal medicine. 

 Ageless Leaves

Dr. Catherine Browne, DAOM, L.Ac., Dipl.Ac. is the founder of Ageless Herbs and still provides quality assurance, herb identification, and purity of products oversight. She began her career as an organic herb farmer in 1983.  As a child she was drawn to plants, the soft petals of flowers and the fragrances of plants intrigued her. In Catherine's words “they were like candy, pretty and scented and they sparked my imagination.” Her mother told her that at age of 5 she was pruning the neighbors geranium flowers during her walks to school. This would make her late for class most mornings only to be forgiven as she had flowers for the teacher. It was at this young age her love affair with herbs and botanicals began.

Long before achieving her doctorate degree, Dr. Browne owned an organic herb farm from 1983-1998 where she oversaw the propagation and plantings of over 400 cultivars of herbs; she introduced and marketed new and unusual varieties of herbs to customers. Supplying 50+ garden centers at a time when most were unfamiliar with growing or using herbs for culinary or medicinal purposes. Her son Emmit and daughter Olivia grew up on this herb farm gaining an a sound work-ethic as they were expected to pitch in from an early age; their baby swing was a fixture in the warm greenhouse when they were infants.

The rural herb farm was an early agri-tourism sight attracting customers from 40+ states and many countries that produced not only herb plants, but also aromatherapy candles, body care products, and healing remedies. Dr. Browne also owned a community health food store for several years.

Dr. Browne furthered her love of botanicals by training extensively in medicinal herbalism through many years of formal schooling at accredited colleges and universities. She has been a practicing herbalist every day of her professional life for the past 40+ years. She has educated  thousands of individuals, both laypersons and health professionals through classes and by sponsoring larger educational retreats featuring famous herbalists and authors. She has taught almost everything from how to use common herbs to making remedies and composting. Catherine is a wealth of herbal medicinal knowledge and passes it on to her students without reserve.

Dr. Browne maintains the philosophical belief that herbal medicine is a birthright and has passionately worked to empower individuals through herbal education for over three decades. She has remained dedicated to herbal education and empowering individuals with healing wisdom; In the 80’s, she spent an average of 20 weekends per year speaking at garden centers about growing and using herb plants, and about organic gardening methods; in the 90’s, she developed an apprenticeship class for medical herbalists and organized weekend herb conferences; while at acupuncture school she taught an ongoing 200 hour CEU class ‘The Energetics of Western Herbs’ incorporating Traditional Chinese Medical theory with western herbalism; In 2009 she became an NCCAOM PDA continuing education provider offering classes to professional acupuncturists and has taught classes guiding licensed acupuncturists in opioid cessation more recently.


Dr. Browne founded Ageless Herbs because as an acupuncturist working in clinic she wanted to provide to her patients, family and friends organic remedies that were were not laden with heavy metals and pesticide residues; she could not in good-conscience prescribe tainted herbs and formulas to those she cared for; Ageless Herbs grew out of that effort. You could say Ageless Herbs took form organically throughout the years and grew as a natural extension of her family, friends and patient’s needs.

Video of Dr. Browne at Work in Community Clinic from years Ago

From 2009-2016 she practiced at 4 community acupuncture clinics community acupuncture clinics in Wilmington, Elkin, and Charlotte, NC providing affordable health care to all as part of the national Community Acupuncture Network. She has spent many years practicing in integrative pain clinics, including two VA (Veterans Affairs) Hospitals treating wounded soldiers with chronic pain conditions.

Dr. Browne was the original “going green” enthusiast before organic was hip and trendy; she is no Johnny-come-lately organic adopter and her children were born in to the organic lifestyle. While other companies work hard to green-wash their image introducing “natural” into their branding, Catherine Browne is the essence of all that is natural and organic. 

Ageless Leaves


Natural Therapies for Overcoming Opioid Dependency

Dr. Browne is also the author of Natural Therapies for Overcoming Opioid Dependency sold on Amazon!

Five branches collage

An authority on herbal medicine, Dr. Browne is a licensed Acupuncturist possessing a rare license that allows for prescribing herbs in her scope of practice. Her dedication and passion for botanicals was demonstrated in taking it a step further by attending and completing a Doctoral Program at a renowned Oriental medical school in San Jose, CA.  She spent almost every month flying 6000 miles monthly from North Carolina to California to further her education from 2014-2017. There are no greater credentials for an herbalist in the U.S. than the title of Doctor and Doctorate of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM). Dr. Browne's son Emmit lived in San Jose while she attended school and is pictured above receiving a treatment from a professor at Catherine's school. 

Our Passion

Dr. Browne, her husband, as well as their four children and daughter-in-law have all been involved in making these herbal formulas throughout the years ensuring the highest quality oversight through this family business. 

Ageless Leaves

When you purchase from Ageless Herbs; know that you are getting high quality, organic, passion, love, and knowledge. The true essence of a holistic herbal doctor and family spanning decades of practical, professional, familial experience and education. This family company lives and breathes herbal passion in to our formulas and products. Thank you for supporting us and our passion.
