
Pericardium Channel

Main Pericardium Channel Location Description

• Pericardium 1 emerges on the chest 1 Cun lateral to the nipple
• The channel ascends to the axilla and then descends along the medial aspect of the upper arm through the mid point of elbow cubital crease
• It continues descending between the tendons of the forearm traversing the carpal crease
• Continuing distally, it enters the palm to follow the ulnar aspect of the middle finger to the end of the finger

Related Pain Syndromes: Spasms of the upper limbs, sensation of heat in palms, hand, wrist, and finger pain

essential oils for acupressureCommonly Used Points of the Pericardium of Heart Protector Channel with Video and Specific Locations

Apply the Fire Element Aroma Acu-Therapy Stick® to activate points along the Pericardium Channel!


pericardium acupuncture channel Chinese medicine


herb leaves


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