
San Jiao Channel

Main Small San Jiao Channel Location Description

• The main channel starts at the tip of the ring finger
• It ascends between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones to travel the dorsum of the hand and traverses the carpal crease
• The channel continues to ascend the forearm between the radius and the ulna continuing over the lateral, posterior aspect of the elbow
• Ascends the lateral, posterior of the arm through the shoulder to the spine at acu-point Du 14
• It travels up the neck to the face and then circles the ear
Related Pain Syndromes: Pain of the ear, eye, cheek, shoulder, arm,
elbow, hand wrist, fingers

essential oils for acupressureCommonly Used Points of the Triple Burner Channel Channel or San Jiao Meridian with Video and Specific Locations

Apply the Fire Element Aroma Acu-Therapy Stick® to activate points along the Triple Burner Channel!


san-jiao-head acupuncture channel Chinese medicine



san-jiao-acupuncture channel Chinese medicine

herb leaves


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