
Spleen Channel

Main Spleen Channel Location Description

  • Begins on the medial aspect of the big toe at Spleen 1breast health natural remedy
  • Ascends along the medial aspect of the foot and leg to the inguinal area
  • Continues to ascend through the abdominal area, breasts and ends at Spleen 21 located between the axilla and 11th rib

Related Pain Syndromes: Pain and swelling of medial knee, arch foot pain, groin and/or sex organ pain including vaginal and labia, breast pain

essential oils for acupressureCommonly Used Points of the Spleen Channel with Video and Specific Locations

Apply the Earth Element Aroma Acu-Therapy Stick® to activate points along the Spleen Channel!





herb leaves


This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.