
Headache Relief Using Chinese Medicineheadache essential oils

Western medicine designates types of headaches such as cluster headaches, or tension headaches to a set of symptoms; in Chinese medicine, diagnosis of headaches depends on a set of patterns. Chinese herbs can alleviate headaches by addressing the root imbalances leading to them. The strategies listed may need to be used for many months to get to the root organ system imbalances related to chronic headaches. This is where many people get confused trying to only use the acupressure when a headache appears; this strategy will not lead to prolonged relief of chronic headaches and migraines. Here you will find the most common patterns of imbalance related to headaches according to Chinese medical theory. For best outcomes using self-care, combine associated Aroma Acu-Sticks® to acupuncture points, topical remedies, and good lifestyle practices.


acupressure points for headache

Aroma Acu-Therapy™ for Headaches

wood-acupressure essential oilsLiver 3

Apply the Wood Element Aroma Acu-Stick® to activate Acupressure Point LV 3  

Why? Acu-point Liver 3 soothes Liver Qi Stagnation that causes Liver Heat and Internal Wind that rises up to the head resulting in headaches.

headache essential oils applicator

Gallbladder 14

Apply the Head-ease Aroma Acu-Stick® to Acupressure Point GB 14

Why? Gallbladder 14 is indicated with frontal headaches, eye pain, dizziness, and/or watering eyes.

water-acupressure essential oilsBladder 62

Apply the Water Element Aroma Acu-Stick® to activate Acupressure Point Bladder 62

Why? Acu-point Bladder 62 eliminates Internal Wind and External Wind, eye pain, and headaches as the Bladder Channel travels up to the head.

earth-acupressure essential oilsStomach 36

Apply the Earth Element Aroma Acu-Stick® to activate Acupressure Point ST 36

Why? Acu-point Stomach 36 tonifies Qi and Blood that are grounding and help to calm Internal Wind and is appropriate for headaches due to Blood and/or Qi Deficiency.

metal-acupressure essential oilsLarge Intestine 4

Apply the Metal Element Aroma Acu-Stick® to activate Acupressure Point Large Intestine 4

Why? Acu-point LI 4 used along with Acupoint Liver 3 are called the Four Gates and LI 4 serves to amplify the affect of LV 3 in alleviating Liver Qi Stagnation.

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Patterns of Imbalance Causing Headaches According to Chinese Medicine

Headaches can be caused by a number of different imbalances according to Chinese medicine. By using Chinese medicinal remedies an Aroma Acu-Therapy™, one can bring balance to the Energetic Organ System(s) and associated Elements for long-term relief.

Amazingly, one of the most effective points to treat headaches is not on the head, but on the foot! Acupressure Point Gallbladder 41 is one of the most clinically important points for headache relief! There are many points and strategies to treat head pain using acupressure depending on how the pain presents, the patterns of imbalance leading to headaches, and where the head pain is located. You can apply the Head-ease Acupressure Stick to the location of the pain.


Liver Qi Stagnation Headachesliver support topical remedy with essential oils

In most cases, Liver imbalances are at the root of Headaches. The most common Liver disharmony is Liver Qi Stagnation. As in nature, heat in the body rises. In the case of Liver Heat, the Heat can rise through the meridians (or channels) and Liver heat often rises through the Gall Bladder channel. The Liver and Gall Bladder channels are connected and the Gall Bladder channel traverses the occipital area of the skull (the base of the skull), the head itself, and ends at the temples. Often these headaches present as one sided headaches. The Liver is pacified with the free and easy movement of Qi and Blood circulating throughout. 

Acupressure Point Combination Strategy:


Liver-Fire Headachedetox foot soak with essential oils

If Liver Qi Stagnation is not addressed and eliminated, the Liver energy will continue to heat up and headaches will become more severe. Often these headaches or migraines are related to extreme stress and frustration, angry outbursts, red face, sharp pain, dizziness, or nausea. This type of headache may get worse when you lie down. 

Acupressure Point Combination Strategy:


Blood Deficient Headachechinese remedy for internal wind-essential oils

The Liver is most happy when it has abundant Liver Blood flowing through it keeping it nourished and cool. These types of headaches may be chronic and dull in nature with an empty headed feeling; fatigue with pain relief with rest; paleness and worsening of headache with exertion. Blood is Yin in nature and requires nourishing tonic herbs to rebuild abundant blood according to Chinese medicine. Abundant Blood is grounding and helps to prevent Internal Wind symptoms such as dizziness.

Acupressure Point Combination Strategy:


Blood Stagnation Headache with Sharp Paincirculation stimulation remedy

Blood formation and Blood movement require an abundance of Blood; if Blood Deficiency persists, Blood Stagnation can develop. Blood Stagnation can also be due to trauma, circulatory impingement, or Qi Deficiency. This type of headache will likely present with sharp, stabbing, ongoing fixed pain. 

Acupressure Point Combination Strategy:


Qi Deficient Frontal Headachesenergy boosting essential oils

Headaches that are associated with overwork and exhaustion may be due to Spleen Qi Deficiency. These headaches are dull throughout the whole head or frontal area, and are relieved with rest. 

Acupressure Point Combination Strategy:


Internal Damp-Phlegm Headachechinese remedy for internal dampness-essential oils

If Spleen Qi Deficiency persists, Internal Dampness can develop. This type of headache would present with a feeling of heaviness of the head and a dull persistent pain exacerbated by wet weather. Migraine headaches that worsen with damp weather can fall under this pattern as well.

Acupressure Point Combination Strategy:


Kidney Yin Deficiency Headacheadrenal support essential oils

This type of headache would be dull, likely at the crown of the head or radiate from the back of the head to the front, and would be alleviated with rest. One would also have other symptoms of Kidney Yin Deficiency such as night sweats, thirst, or dry skin. Kidney Yin is the basis of Yin throughout the body, so this condition can cause Liver Yin Deficiency and Liver Heat rising to the head causing headaches.

Acupressure Point Combination Strategy:


Kidney Yang Deficiency HeadachesYang Deficiency Topical Remedy

This pattern presents with stabbing pain at the top of the head, or vertex, and can be the result of long-standing Qi Deficiency or Kidney Yang Deficiency with cold limbs and an intolerance for cold conditions and weather.

Other symptoms of Yang Deficiency may include hypothyroidism, edema, erectile dysfunction, infertility, chronic diarrhea, excessive urination or incontinence, cold stomach with bloating, or slow metabolism.

Acupressure Point Combination Strategy:


Headaches That Come On With Barometric Pressure Changes

The San Jiao, or Triple Burner of Chinese medicine is a functional energetic organ system not found in western medicine. It is responsible for regulation and communication throughout the body. When the body is unable to adjust for a change of pressure in the atmosphere this would be an indication of a San Jiao insufficiency resulting in poor regulation of bodily systems.

Acupressure Point Combination Strategy:



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This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.